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Why I love lifting

It's an obsession of sorts I suppose. When I don't get my fix, I feel like something is missing, I didn't get my endorphin rush, comparable to my caffeine obsession- which happens to go hand in hand with training.

But as for the why, it's for my physical and mental health.

For my bones.

For my posture.

For insulin sensitivity and longevity.

For increased energy and confidence.

For a strong physique.

There is no greater reward then not having to rely on a man to help me lift or move something heavy, or to carry something up the stairs without huffing and puffing or pulling a muscle.

The independence. Fortitude. Stamina and determination- to continue building, growing, improving.

The more I strength train, the more I produce the hormones that burn fat.

More muscle = more strength = the release of feel good endorphins.

Strength training for me is where I feel the most confident and empowered. It's boost to my overall sense of accomplishment and autonomy and simply, it makes me feel and look amazing.

It's an investment that pays off with rewards far greater than anyone can ever imagine.

The mental clarity and satisfaction in seeing how your body can transform week to week is priceless.

It has become a life mission of mine in some ways to encourage other women to not fear lifting heavy weights. There is still a widespread notion that if women lift heavy weights, they will become big and bulky. But guess what?! women have 10 to 20 times less testosterone required to build muscle mass and if a man has 10 to 20 times more of this hormone to build muscle, and every male in the gym isn't big and muscular, what makes women think they will ACCIDENTALLY get big and muscular? Building noticeable musculature takes YEARS of consistent training and meticulous nutrition. Body transformations don't happen by accident and no one turns into the Hulk overnight.

I love seeing the muscle on myself, in the quads, glutes, shoulders- back definition, it is so inspiring to me. I worked on it, I built it, it's product of my dedication and commitment. I am definitely not at a fat percentage low enough to see all the definition and striations, but that's okay because I'm not training to compete as a bikini model or body builder. It's purely selfish reasons, to push the boundaries of my strength. I also love food too much to be so strict on my caloric intake to be obsessed with what number I see on the scale. All I care to see is the number increase on the amount of weight I can lift.

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