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Smash the self imposed restrictions

I'm going to get straight to the point with this one:

Strength training is THE GO TO and most PHENOMENAL TOOL to get you that sexy, strong and bad ass, yet feminine look.

There. I said it and I stand my ground wholeheartedly. No take backs.

Yes, you, YOU can be sexy and STRONG.

The next thing I'll say: the more you stick to it, consistently, the greater the rewards: of a leaner, stronger and better looking body. I can't think of one drawback to strength training...unless becoming addicted to results is a drawback.

Let's talk about confidence. The confidence to work with weights. Heavy weights.

Put the 2kilo pink dumbbell down.

Of course, just showing up, in a predominantly male-dominated weight room at the gym takes TONS of guts and wherewithal... to pick up that barbell, dumbbell, kettlebell or what have you, know what to do and feel CONFIDENT in knowing what you know in front of all those guys pumping up their chest, is a BIG DEAL! I would totally understand any and all reservations that women may have when it comes to working out in a space that's usually packed with testosterone raging, bicep curling, muscle pumping, sweat dripping guys.... I GET IT! It can be super intimidating, you may feel self-conscious, you might dread the idea of these guys staring at you, but guess what?! IT'S TIME TO SMASH THESE SELF IMPOSED RESTRICTIONS! We belong there just like they do. If they stare at you, you stare right back. You go in there like the badass b*tch you are and do your thang. Be proud. Stand tall and don't pay attention to any of them.

The INSANE stigma, that unfortunately STILL exists that women should be thinner, smaller, take up less space, be reliant on men to lift heavy things for them NEEDS TO DIE. Yesterday.

Sure, things are getting better in that department, slowly, with all these amazing groups of physically AND mentally strong women like Girls Gone Strong (which I absolutely adore) who are busting through social media and tearing down these stereotypes that women belong on the cardio machines and men in the weight room. BRAVO to them. They have a huge following and it's incredible. I want to start a following like that of my own.

But, here I am, a Toronto native, living in this wonderful metropolis of Tel Aviv, where I'm still feeling like I'm fighting a losing battle. With close to half a million people living in this sprawling city, filled with tons of fit and fantastically beautiful people, I am still seeing far too many images, both in real life and on social media, promoting how being skinny is the ultimate goal, and women should train to just lose weight. Sure, if you have a bit extra around your stomach or thighs that you are unhappy with, it's okay, but why can't the goal be to BECOME STRONGER, or the goal of trying to bust out 5, or 10 proper pushups in a row, or reach a PR (personal record) of deadlifting twice your body weight- WHY IS IT ALWAYS ABOUT WANTING TO BE SKINNY?! and getting smaller and thinner thighs... LET'S BE STRONGER!

The most BEAUTIFUL and MAGICAL thing about embracing weight training is how the body contours and shapes into a sexy, strong and badass form- with curves in all the right places combined with the physical and mental grit and empowerment that you've never felt before. IMAGINE: being able to lift up your couch, or your oven, fridge, bed (anything!) WITHOUT hurting your back or feeling like you need to call a man to help you out. IMAGINE carrying two big water jugs, one in each hand, up the stairs, without huffing and puffing and feeling like you're about to die at the first floor. IMAGINE the CONFIDENCE in your attitude, and how you present yourself when you walk into a crowd of people, but you're standing straight, with an astute and attractive posture. And lest I forget... IMAGINE not having pain, or constantly feeling a nudge in your low back, and not being predisposed to getting injured easily... IMAGINE!

I HAVE A DREAM, that I will reach as many women here in Tel Aviv to start looking at our bodies as more than just what the number on the scale represents- but instead, discover the incredible capabilities it has when it's STRONG, POWERFUL AND BADASS.

Screw the number and throw out that scale.

Let's talk about the amount of weight that's on the barbell, or kettlebell, and how many pull ups and push ups you can do.

There are COUNTLESS health benefits, in ALL the spectrums - physical, mental and emotional that come as a result from weight training. My most passionate stance, from what I've tried to relay in this blog post, and what I will continue to preach, is: SCREW SKINNY. I hate that word. I want women to learn to love muscle and everything that comes from making it (and to stop using the word 'toning' TONING IS FOR PRINTERS). We are the artists and our body is the artwork- we can create and chisel a pure masterpiece. The hard work and dedication we give to strengthening our bodies (and the mind that follows) the more of a masterpiece we will discover, inside and out. The results will just blow your mind.

Some last points:

>FAT LOSS does NOT need to be the ultimate reason for why you work out

> Weight training is NOT about fixing your flaws (that's bullshit)

> Exercise is NOT a punishment for overeating



Please! If you're a woman reading this in Tel Aviv, and have yet to do a deadlift, or weighted squat, or can't do a pull or push up, PLEASE PLEASE, contact me and let's set up a session to introduce you to the most incredible world of strength training.

Check out and like my Facebook page:

***If you live in Tel Aviv and looking for how you can begin this great strength training journey, look no more- I am starting a women's only class January 30th:

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