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IRONBELLE IntensiveFit


Who? What? Where? When? Why?

Do you really need another fitness class?

Yes. You do. And I'll tell you why.

But first let me introduce myself. Who am I?

Ironbelle- It's ME. Keren. I am the belle, and I love the iron. In any shape or form. I love to lift it, swing it, squat it. You name it. I'm a Torontonian living in Tel Aviv, who has been strength training for over 10 years, a trainer for over 6

I'm a stickler for form and technique and obsessed with having women understand the importance of training for strength. Passionate about changing the focus of working out from just wanting to lose weight, having a smaller number show up on the scale and be smaller and instead feel empowered to be more- more powerful, stronger, rep out more push ups and pull ups and just keep doing greater things with their body. The focus of working out just to lose weight and have thinner thighs in my opinion is a lacklustre goal. It's time to strive for more, not less.

For me, the weights are a reprieve from reality. They don't ask questions. They are always there. It's just me and them. I can test my strength and stamina. It's a therapy like no other. It never disappoints. I would love to pass that feeling to other women, who may be struggling with life in any way, and learn how to direct their energy and any negative feelings into something productive and powerful, positively impacting both their mental AND physical selves.

What is IntensiveFit?

I give my blood, sweat and tears to my clients, always. And now I'd like to reach more women who are still afraid of training for strength. Trying to help integrate and educate women who don't have the background with strength training. My intention is to give them the full toolkit of knowledge and power to feel confident enough to go into the predominantly male occupied weight room and know what to do and how to do it. This is not a gimmick or a fancy sales pitch, to make lots of money, have you locked into a long term commitment with a fitness class. It's ONLY a twice a week commitment, for two months, to help you kickstart a rhythm and routine for how to structure your own strength routine- that will become a long term commitment with yourself.

I will give my utmost attention on the techniques for properly executing exercises that are often BUTCHERED when participating in the fast paced fitness classes in the gym. There are limited spots available, giving me the ability to spend time with each woman on their individual challenges.

INTENSIVE- yes. Indeed it is. It's not the Micky Mouse Club. It's not for shits and giggles. It's the real deal. Working on building your strength, recording it, learning how to progress and possibly even regress to an easier version of something so it can be developed and done even better to get stronger.


Located in a central Tel Aviv, private and state of the art studio- with all the tools: sandbags, kettlebells, clubells, slam balls, medicine balls, agility ladders, pull up bars and battleropes- these are often the cause of intimidation when seen in the gym because some movements are technical in nature so many resort to the safe machines. Also, many fitness classes that are offered take place outside, or in places without enough weights and equipment for everyone (or none at all).


Starting 20/01/2017 @ 20:00 for one hour



I dream that women will walk proudly into the gym, get into the squat rack and squat like it's nobody's business, lift up the barbell or kettlebell and rep out deadlifts with stellar form and with heavy weights, not be intimidated by 'technical' looking exercises, be CONFIDENT with the word MUSCLE and not piggy back around the word 'toning'. Be understanding that if they use weights more than 2kilo, they will not become the hulk.






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